
We believe coaching is the bridge between knowledge and application that benefits all levels of the organization. It is a collaborative partnership that allows the space for transformative conversation. Our coaching model is person centered and backed by International Coaching Federation (ICF) values.

  • Executive Coaching

    We offer organizations executive staff dynamic coaching opportunities to enhance the ability in identifying equitable and inclusive solutions. Executive coaching builds confidence in leading a high performing team during challenging times and prepares for the effects that come from change. This leads to increased self awareness that moves them towards an effective and sustainable workplace.

  • Coaching for Staff (Individual and Teams)

    Coaching is for everyone! Our coaching model is not only limited to executive and leadership staff. Our flexible coach approach allows organizations to offer coaching to staff in an individual, dyad, or team dynamic. Through coaching we support staff in strengthening their ability to hold space and have courageous conversations at all levels. This provides staff the opportunity to transform their conflict or barriers from frustration to identifying an opportunity.

    Our coaching structure supports everyone to continue their professional and personal growth and development which ultimately leads to a thriving organization.